12 May 2009


Reading my daily news stories for the day, I came across something extremely beneficial. Music, in all forms, whether it be playing your favorite instrument, humming your favorite tune, or blasting your speakers in your car, music has been proven to reduce stress and release chemicals which prove to protect the heart. Studies show that listening to a new hip song that you like can open up blood vessels and pump blood easily throughout the body, which in the end may in fact prevent aging. Although this seems flawless, they also found that listening to the same song over and over again does not have the same effect. Studies have also shown that listening to a type of music you dislike, will actually counteract the lively and beneficial effects of a song you enjoy, and in the end causing you to be stressed.

So the next time you find yourself conflicted in road rage, or your having an over all stressful day, find a favorite tune and dance around. Find your health in music.

(Favorite Tune at the moment-All American Rejects-Gives you Hell)



  1. "So the next time you find yourself conflicted in road rage, or your having an over all stressful day, find a favorite tune and dance around. Find your health in music."

    I love this quotation of yours!

    Let me comment that when music truly enters your heart...it can never be driven from it!

    Keep up the good work....I am a keen musician and photograper and hope you'll find peace in my music and free wallpapers too..
    Celtic Sprite

  2. Thank you so much! And you are so right, you can never drive music from your heart. I know being in chorus and singing my whole life, it really has had only a positive effect in my life. I plan on checking your blog out! :)
