30 May 2009

Majestic Mushrooms

When something is photographed, you learn about that subject. You get to see every line, color, its imperfections, or perfections. You become familiar with its natural beauties. Today I photographed mushrooms, and got to know their majestic qualities. Things sometimes surprise me in the most mollifying way.


29 May 2009

Lucky Feather

I passed by a feather today. When you are little, you believe it brings you luck. Now that I am older, I hope it is true.


24 May 2009

Later Days

Yesterday I attended the CD release show of Later days featuring Vega Under Fire, Hey Dakota, and For the Win. Later Days really killed it with their catchy music flow and lyrical combination. Here is a sneak preview of the photographs taken.

More to come soon, so keep an eye peeled. In the mean time, check out their new album at www.laterdaysrock.com.


22 May 2009

Spuratic Rain

Rain has been apart of my life every day this week. It greets me in the morning, it says goodnight, and it even drops by for a quick hello in the middle of the afternoon. Rain drops, you seem to be my obsession this week.

X-Rayed plant? Haha.


18 May 2009


Although this rain is much needed here, its almost preventing me from getting my daily photographs in, almost.

Though days lately seem to be drowned with dark clouds and gloomy weather, this rain has inspired new and creative ideas within me when it comes to comfort foods. I decided to try out this new recipe, which to my amazement was delicious. I took a green bell pepper, stuffed it with seasoned ground beef and onions, then topped it with fresh tomato, ricotta cheese, and four cheese marinara sauce. Yum.


17 May 2009

The Gloaming

Gloaming is an Old English term meaning twilight, referring to the haze of miraculous colors a sunset produces.

Jet planes amaze me.


15 May 2009

More of the Storm

A couple days ago I posted pictures of my favorite couple which featured stormy skies and crystal blue waters. I wanted to show you what kind of a monster that storm developed into when we were finished with the photo shoot. We were so occupied with pictures that we hardly had time to notice what was going on behind us until I saw the rolling in of extremely dark clouds through my viewfinder.

We actually had to run. I was really becoming scared because not only was I afraid of getting struck by lightning, but I was afraid for my camera! Good thing we have luck on our side though, we made it under cover right before the downfall began. I haven't seen clouds like this in what seems like forever. I'm hoping that our drought won't last for much longer, and the summer rains will help to alleviate Mother Nature's unquenchable situation.


13 May 2009

Stormy Days: Another Taste

Stormy days CAN be fun. [ :) ]

This picture was a blast to do! It just seemed so appropriate. Don't fly away Cydne!


Stormy Days

Today's photo shoot went pleasantly well. The dark stormy sky contrasted with the ocean's beautiful blues and greens creating marvelous composition within the photographs. I have done a few, and cannot wait to do more.

More to come!


12 May 2009


Reading my daily news stories for the day, I came across something extremely beneficial. Music, in all forms, whether it be playing your favorite instrument, humming your favorite tune, or blasting your speakers in your car, music has been proven to reduce stress and release chemicals which prove to protect the heart. Studies show that listening to a new hip song that you like can open up blood vessels and pump blood easily throughout the body, which in the end may in fact prevent aging. Although this seems flawless, they also found that listening to the same song over and over again does not have the same effect. Studies have also shown that listening to a type of music you dislike, will actually counteract the lively and beneficial effects of a song you enjoy, and in the end causing you to be stressed.

So the next time you find yourself conflicted in road rage, or your having an over all stressful day, find a favorite tune and dance around. Find your health in music.

(Favorite Tune at the moment-All American Rejects-Gives you Hell)


11 May 2009

Fun in the Sun

Me and Gianna wanted to take pictures, and the sun was pretty much perfect. We had to hurry because it was going down, but I got to play with fun orange colors, sun rays, and lens flare. Heres a couple of pictures, with just a little touch up, nothing major. Enjoy!


08 May 2009

Bruschetta Burgers

Last night after getting back from the long drive, we stopped at our friend Evan's place for a little dinner. He happened to pick up this recipe book called "Building Better Burgers", and it has all of these award winning recipes for 'better burgers'. The one last night that we made was the Bruschetta Burger, and to my surprise was not hard to make at all. We followed a very simply recipe for Bruschetta, mixed the ground beef with spices, onions, and Gorgonzola cheese, topped it off with ham, and placed it in the middle of toasted french bread. It was a mouth watering experience to say the least, and even more enjoyable when you know its fresh. If you are interested in recipes like this one, or just love burgers, I suggest picking up this book!

Happy Eating!


Simply for your Eyes' Enjoyment

This weekend me and Tommy went to Orlando to visit my sister and her husband. Most of our time was spent at Disney riding roller coasters, so the only things I got to capture was her turtle Skulmon who will live to be over 100 years old! And a little spider.



04 May 2009


Summer time brings about cravings of the sun, the beach, and specialty drinks like lemonade. I've come across a way to make fresh, single serving lemonade that anyone can enjoy, and I'd like to share it with all of you!

Start with one whole lemon and cut it into eighths.

Next, take all the pieces of the lemon, toss them into a glass, and begin to muddle. (If you don't have a muddle, a big spoon works just as well).

After muddling all the lemon juice out, add about 3 tablespoons of sugar (add more or less depending on how sweet or tart you prefer it), and also add ice and water to the very top of the glass.

Lastly, poor your mixture into a shaker, and shake vigorously. (This enables it to become cold as well as helping the sugar to dissolve).

Now Serve!

Its fast and easy to enjoy! Try it out!

Happy sipping!
