30 April 2009


My senior year of high school I did a project which entailed a fashion show to raise money for those suffering from leukemia. It was a hard process but ended up a success with a raising of over $1200. The fashions were donated by fashion designer Janelle who is the creator of her line Orangia. I completely fell head over heels in love with her clothing. She ended up creating a dress, and named it after me. I can't begin to tell you the excitement I was feeling at that very moment, but lets just say I could have been close to peeing my pants. A couple years have gone by and I received a text message from her today saying "The Kera dress in hot pink, your prom dress, was worn by Bridgett Marquadt playboy bunny on travel channel." I couldn't believe it! In one way or another she knows my name, and thats amazing.

If you want to check out more of Janelle's line, Orangia, you can go to www.orangiausa.com.
Happy Shopping!


28 April 2009

Nature's Calling

Today was just way too beautiful not to be outside. Even though I am extremely exhausted from exam week, Mother Nature has once again called me out to play.


26 April 2009

Crescent Moon

The moon is a miraculous rock. Its still out there like this tonight. Check it out.


In a Nut Shell

I've had the best weekend. I went to Fort Lauderdale to visit the best friends anyone could ever ask for. Had the time of my life, and brought back some memories. Great start to an awesome summer!

Meet the Best


23 April 2009

Pool Days

We have had the most lovely weather lately. The type of weather that calls you outside with a cool drink. The type of weather that tickles your skin with sun rays, and cooling breezes. The type of weather that helps you not to worry. These are the days I live for.


18 April 2009

To All Photography Lovers

If you are a researcher of the internet, you know you can find a great deal of cool things you can do with digital photography. Long exposure is one of my favorite things to do. But two of my favorite types of pictures lately are the Infrared and Bokeh. Infrared is a photo that uses a filter (homemade or bought) which allows all infrared light in, and blocks all or most of the visible light spectrum. By doing this you end up with a picture with deep reds and blacks. Green-leafed trees turn into white leaves, leaving the effect of what looks like snow to me.

photo by Jeffrey Klassen

Bokeh is referred in photography as the blur in your image when using a shallow depth of field. Blur in any image can create curiosity and interest, so why not turn that blur into something awesome? There are homemade techniques which you can use to make your own lens cover to create such blur with shapes including keyholes and hearts including different colors.

photo by Yumi on Flickr
( http://www.flickr.com/photos/bagdadcafe/440697861/ )

Try it out! Good Luck!


Thanks Kylie

For making my night filled with super funnies. FML!
Best website you will ever go to, filled with true stories of people who just wish their lives were a little better.


check it out!


16 April 2009

It's a Rock

Today's single engagement pictures with Maya went very smooth. I experimented with different props, lighting, and shadows. These are a couple of my favorites. More to come soon!


15 April 2009

Tory Burch

While looking through some Pre-Fall 2009 RTW (Ready to Wear) clothing Tory Burch has caught my eye. She hasn't used much of the brown and blacks that we are use to seeing during this time of year, but has expanded her creativity into creating pieces with big patterns and vivid colors. Bravo! I can't wait to see more.

(photos are a coutesy of Tory Burch and Vogue)


Early Morning Eggs

Sequenced in Order:


14 April 2009

Today's Rain

Has inspired me to push my limits and my camera's limits with water. Water is magnificent in all forms, and if caught in the right light can be amazing to the eye. The colors in these photos are completely untouched.



Something I realized today: Art as a whole is an idea dispersed among all of us, and we don't get to pick and choose what awes us, its thrown upon us and we must capture it.


13 April 2009

Black ready-to-wear in Spring?

Recent Spring ready-to-wear show by Stefano Pilati is showing less color, and more black. He tells Vogue that "he must reflect the times" when referring to our economic stand point. But his clothing is not just a classic walking down the runway. He shows classic suits with a twist using leather bustiers matched with pinstripes. Buying clothes are an investment. When in a recession, classics are safe, but the way he does it, you can still be a fashion statement.

photo: Marcio Madeira

Happy Shopping.


Green Thumb

My sunflower is getting so big!


Easter Treats

This Easter was filled with yummy desserts, wonderful family time, and play time with Buster; my parents' new dog. Happiness is found in the little things in life.


11 April 2009

Spare Time

A couple days ago I had some spare time and went and played with bubbles outside. It was an amazing day.



Last night we were all hanging out and my friend Evan brought over his bunny Skeeve. He's so adorable.


07 April 2009

Beach Day

There was suppose to be surf today. There was a little, but nothing really worth riding. I passed the time though.

P.s. they don't litter in our home, so don't litter in theirs :)
